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Apparitions and the Apparition Counter (AFAC)

On this page our AFAC Apparition Counter and a list of the apparitions of which the Roman Catholic Church approved the supernatural character

Apparitions during the 20th century

1917-Fatima (Portugal) Apparitions to 3 children

1932-Beauraing (Belgium) Apparitions to 5 people

1933-Banneux (Belgium) Apparitions to a teen-age girl

1945-Amsterdam (Holland) Apparitions to 1 woman

1953-Syracuse (Italy) Apparitions to 1 man & 1woman

1968-Zeitoun (Egypt) Apparitions to a crowd

1973-Akita (Japan) Apparitions to 1 religious

1976-Betania (Venezuela) Apparitions to 1 woman

1980-Cuapa (Nicaragua) Apparitions to 1 man

1981-Kibèho (Rwanda) Apparitions to teen-agers

1983-San Nicolas (Argentina) Apparitions to 1 woman

Patristic Age : There is no recorded literature about apparitions for the early centuries of the Church. The first attestations of Marian apparitions are from the fourth century. So recorded Gregory of Nyssa in the fourth century that Gregory the Wonder worker (213-270 A.D.) was the first beneficiary of a Marian apparition.

Middle Ages : We do not know much about cases of Marian apparitions recorded from the Middle Ages. The two most interesting cases from the Middle Ages are the seers at the Cistercian Monastery of Helfta (13th century) and the visions of St. Bridget of Sweden (who lived 1303-1373).

Renaissance and on : During the sixteenth century, a new kind of apparition began. These apparitions had a public character. The most significant case is Guadalupe in Mexico (1531) which gave "birth to a new church on a new continent" (Laurentin 88). New standards were set with te apparitions of Lourdes in France (1858), when Mary comes down to support a just proclaimed Dogma.

The Ave Forum Apparition Counter

The AFAC Counter below shows the number of apparitions of Mary mentioned in 73 languages on the internet at this moment, according to the 5 largest search-engines. The AFAC Counter shows only the number of appearances virtually reported (without for instance the written presented extraterrestrial demonstrations). For this reason the real number of Mary Apparitions is probably higher. 

The AFAC Counter is updated every minute. Copyright AFAC and Ave Forum The Netherlands.